Where do empty compilation units belong?
Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran
2018-11-20 05:27:11 UTC
I have the following folder structure in a module

- p
-- C.java
-- q
--- D.java

where C.java contains only the package declaration and D.java is empty.

When I run javac with --module-source-path and all the individual files as arguments the compiler is happy and reports no error. This behavior is different from Eclipse compiler which reports an error about "declaring a named package because this compilation unit is associated to the named module". Is this because empty compilation units are considered to be part of unnamed modules or because the D.java and hence package q are omitted?

I have been trying to find out the relevant part of the spec or any documentation that defines this behavior, but couldn't find anything on this. Can someone please tell me what the right behavior is and point me to the relevant documentation?

This Eclipse bug has more details - https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=540067

Jonathan Gibbons
2018-11-20 17:20:12 UTC
On 11/19/18 9:27 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
> I have the following folder structure in a module
> my.module
> -module-info.java
> - p
> -- C.java
> -- q
> --- D.java
> where C.java contains only the package declaration and D.java is empty.
> When I run javac with --module-source-path and all the individual files as arguments the compiler is happy and reports no error. This behavior is different from Eclipse compiler which reports an error about "declaring a named package because this compilation unit is associated to the named module". Is this because empty compilation units are considered to be part of unnamed modules or because the D.java and hence package q are omitted?
> I have been trying to find out the relevant part of the spec or any documentation that defines this behavior, but couldn't find anything on this. Can someone please tell me what the right behavior is and point me to the relevant documentation?
> This Eclipse bug has more details - https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=540067
> Regards,
> Jay

As long as C.java contains a package declaration for "package p;", I
would expect that to be OK. There is (or should be) no presumption about
what other declarations may appear in that file.

If D.java is empty, there is nothing to complain about!

Generally, javac cares about the contents of files, as defined by the
syntax rules in JLS.   The conventions about filenames only kick in when
applied to a type element declared in that file.

-- Jon
Alex Buckley
2018-11-20 18:54:59 UTC
On 11/19/2018 9:27 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
> I have the following folder structure in a module
> my.module
> -module-info.java
> - p
> -- C.java
> -- q
> --- D.java
> where C.java contains only the package declaration and D.java is
> empty.
> When I run javac with --module-source-path and all the individual
> files as arguments the compiler is happy and reports no error. This
> behavior is different from Eclipse compiler which reports an error
> about "declaring a named package because this compilation unit is
> associated to the named module". Is this because empty compilation
> units are considered to be part of unnamed modules or because the
> D.java and hence package q are omitted?

From the above, it's hard to understand for which file an error is
reported by Eclipse. In any case, as Jon indicated, if the file D.java
is empty, then there is no stream of tokens matching the JLS 7.3
production `CompilationUnit` and thus there is no compilation unit to

In contrast, the file C.java does contain a compilation unit and I would
expect it to be "associated" (JLS 7.3 again) with the `my.module` module
like any other compilation unit contained in a file in the same
directory. It is legal to annotate the package declaration in the
compilation unit contained in C.java (let's not rathole into a
discussion about package-info.java), and the types that can be used in
the annotation are determined by what `my.module` reads.

Alex Buckley
2018-11-20 20:26:42 UTC
On 11/20/2018 10:54 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> From the above, it's hard to understand for which file an error is
> reported by Eclipse. In any case, as Jon indicated, if the file D.java
> is empty, then there is no stream of tokens matching the JLS 7.3
> production `CompilationUnit` and thus there is no compilation unit to
> discuss.

Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty stream
of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
longstanding) so the file D.java could be regarded as a compilation unit
with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type

Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
must be associated with an unnamed module. (The "must" somewhat
conflicts with the "may" in

I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no package
declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed unobservable by
7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would

What do compiler engineers think?

Jonathan Gibbons
2018-11-21 00:44:56 UTC
On 11/20/2018 12:26 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> On 11/20/2018 10:54 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>> From the above, it's hard to understand for which file an error is
>> reported by Eclipse. In any case, as Jon indicated, if the file D.java
>> is empty, then there is no stream of tokens matching the JLS 7.3
>> production `CompilationUnit` and thus there is no compilation unit to
>> discuss.
> Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty
> stream of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but
> it's longstanding) so the file D.java could be regarded as a
> compilation unit with no package declaration, no import declarations,
> and no type declarations.
> Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
> must be associated with an unnamed module. (The "must" somewhat
> conflicts with the "may" in
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se11/html/jls-7.html#jls-7.3-310)
> I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no
> package declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an
> unnamed package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3
> should enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
> declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed unobservable
> by 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files
> would disappear.
> What do compiler engineers think?
> Alex

I think that would be useful but not necessary, since we are dealing
with the way the host system finds/handles compilation units.

It is the case that javac accepts and effectively ignores empty files;
that is nothing new or specific to the module system or
module-source-path. javac doesn't go out of its way to ignore them; it's
more that there is nothing in an empty file that needs to be checked. 
Yes, 7.4.2 says that an empty file is in an unnamed package in an
unnamed module,  and yes you can say it is weird to allow them in a
hierarchy on the module source path, but it would be equally weird to
forbid empty files in subdirectories of directories on the source path
or module source path. javac does reject non-empty compilation units
without a package declaration that are associated with a named module.

Generally, in addition to the various suggestions in JLS 7 regarding
restrictions that may be enforced when packages are stored in a file
system, javac uses the following rules in being a "host system" (7.2)

* Types that are looked up implicitly on the source path or module
source path must be in an appropriately named directory.

* Module membership is determined by examining the search path for
each module on the module source path to determine which search path
contains a directory that indirectly contains any given file. If
there is only one source hierarchy for each module, that simplifies
to finding the module declaration in the enclosing directory on the
module source path.

-- Jon
Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran
2018-11-21 05:14:48 UTC
"jigsaw-dev" <jigsaw-dev-***@openjdk.java.net> wrote on 21/11/2018 01:56:42 AM:

> From: Alex Buckley <***@oracle.com
> On 11/20/2018 10:54 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> > From the above, it's hard to understand for which file an error is
> > reported by Eclipse. In any case, as Jon indicated, if the file D.java
> > is empty, then there is no stream of tokens matching the JLS 7.3
> > production `CompilationUnit` and thus there is no compilation unit to
> > discuss.

Sorry for not being clear. C.java is fine and it's D.java that is being
reported by the Eclipse compiler.

> Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty stream
> of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
> longstanding) so the file D.java could be regarded as a compilation unit
> with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type
> declarations.
> Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
> must be associated with an unnamed module. (The "must" somewhat
> conflicts with the "may" in
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?
> u=https-3A__docs.oracle.com_javase_specs_jls_se11_html_jls-2D7.html-23jls-2D7.
> 3-2D310&d=DwIC-g&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-
> siA1ZOg&r=LuMqcl3PU0i2olgTvkVvFthzqyc_3wGfGooplpAvFsc&m=0-yB-
> s6iIk8sBeNaaAkAlma7IqqfciaUiZ0EyShDTLk&s=aRQM4fwhr3kUvHE9tcUkUscWSmnPllgXg08OI8VA80c&e=
> )
> I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no package
> declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
> package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
> enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
> declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed unobservable by
> 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would
> disappear.

That would be perfect and make things unambiguous. But for now, the paragraph above
is good enough for me.

> What do compiler engineers think?
> Alex
Alex Buckley
2018-11-26 21:44:01 UTC
// Adding compiler-dev since the parsing of files into compilation units
is not a Jigsaw issue.

On 11/20/2018 9:14 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
> "jigsaw-dev" <jigsaw-dev-***@openjdk.java.net> wrote on 21/11/2018
> 01:56:42 AM:
> > Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty stream
> > of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
> > longstanding) so the file D.java could be regarded as a compilation unit
> > with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type
> > declarations.
> >
> > Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
> > must be associated with an unnamed module.
> >
> > I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no package
> > declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
> > package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
> > enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
> > declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed unobservable by
> > 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would
> > disappear.
> That would be perfect and make things unambiguous. But for now, the
> paragraph above is good enough for me.

Unfortunately, import declarations can have side effects (compile-time
errors) so to be sure that the "no package or type decl ===
unobservable" rule is suitable for a file containing just an import
decl, we would have to do a case analysis of how javac and ecj handle
the eight combinations of the three parts allowed in an ordinary
compilation unit. That's overkill for the situation involving empty
files that keeps coming up and that I really want to clarify. I don't
think anyone loves that an ordinary compilation unit matches the empty
stream, so let's define away that scenario. As Jon said, an empty file
doesn't present anything to be checked; there is no compilation unit
there, so let's be unambiguous about that.

We can rule out the empty stream in 7.3 with grammar or with semantics.
Usually a semantic description is clearest (gives everyone the proper
terminology and concepts) but in this case we don't want the description
to wrestle with "consists of one, two, or three parts" when the grammar
allows zero. So, a new grammatical description is appropriate, and

PackageDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
ImportDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
TypeDeclaration {TypeDeclaration}

The "three parts, each of which is optional" description is still
accurate. The package decl part is optional (as long as you have the
import decls part and/or the type decls part); the import decls part is
optional (as long as you have either the package decl part or ...) ...
you get the picture.

I would leave 7.4.2 alone; an ordinary compilation unit with no package
or type decls but with import decls is part of the unnamed package (and
thus unnamed module) as before, and compilers can handle that, I think.

Any comments?

Jonathan Gibbons
2018-11-26 23:22:53 UTC
On 11/26/2018 01:44 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> // Adding compiler-dev since the parsing of files into compilation
> units is not a Jigsaw issue.
> On 11/20/2018 9:14 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
>> "jigsaw-dev" <jigsaw-dev-***@openjdk.java.net> wrote on 21/11/2018
>> 01:56:42 AM:
>>  > Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty
>> stream
>>  > of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
>>  > longstanding) so the file D.java could be regarded as a
>> compilation unit
>>  > with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type
>>  > declarations.
>>  >
>>  > Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
>>  > must be associated with an unnamed module.
>>  >
>>  > I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no
>> package
>>  > declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
>>  > package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
>>  > enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
>>  > declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed
>> unobservable by
>>  > 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would
>>  > disappear.
>> That would be perfect and make things unambiguous. But for now, the
>> paragraph above is good enough for me.
> Unfortunately, import declarations can have side effects (compile-time
> errors) so to be sure that the "no package or type decl ===
> unobservable" rule is suitable for a file containing just an import
> decl, we would have to do a case analysis of how javac and ecj handle
> the eight combinations of the three parts allowed in an ordinary
> compilation unit. That's overkill for the situation involving empty
> files that keeps coming up and that I really want to clarify. I don't
> think anyone loves that an ordinary compilation unit matches the empty
> stream, so let's define away that scenario. As Jon said, an empty file
> doesn't present anything to be checked; there is no compilation unit
> there, so let's be unambiguous about that.
> We can rule out the empty stream in 7.3 with grammar or with
> semantics. Usually a semantic description is clearest (gives everyone
> the proper terminology and concepts) but in this case we don't want
> the description to wrestle with "consists of one, two, or three parts"
> when the grammar allows zero. So, a new grammatical description is
> appropriate, and straightforward:
>   OrdinaryCompilationUnit:
>     PackageDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
>     ImportDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
>     TypeDeclaration {TypeDeclaration}
> The "three parts, each of which is optional" description is still
> accurate. The package decl part is optional (as long as you have the
> import decls part and/or the type decls part); the import decls part
> is optional (as long as you have either the package decl part or ...)
> ... you get the picture.
> I would leave 7.4.2 alone; an ordinary compilation unit with no
> package or type decls but with import decls is part of the unnamed
> package (and thus unnamed module) as before, and compilers can handle
> that, I think.
> Any comments?
> Alex

That seems good to me.

To summarize the javac behavior ...

* javac accepts/ignores an empty file
* javac treats import-only compilation units as in the unnamed
package, which is not allowed in a named module
* javac enforces file naming constraints when declaring a public class
* javac uses file naming constraints when looking on the (module)
source path for a file for a class

Attached is a toy class to generate combinations of package, import and
type declarations. You can use the source-launcher feature to run it.

-- Jon
Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran
2018-12-03 16:29:21 UTC
Thanks for the test file Jon. Last week I and Stephan had a discussion and agreed with the specified behavior and made some changes to our compiler.

I can also confirm that both the compilers behave the same way for all the scenarios included in the test file.


From: Jonathan Gibbons <***@oracle.com>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 11:22 PM
To: Alex Buckley; Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran; jigsaw-***@openjdk.java.net; compiler-dev
Subject: Re: Where do empty compilation units belong?

On 11/26/2018 01:44 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
// Adding compiler-dev since the parsing of files into compilation units is not a Jigsaw issue.

On 11/20/2018 9:14 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
"jigsaw-dev" <jigsaw-dev-***@openjdk.java.net><mailto:jigsaw-dev-***@openjdk.java.net> wrote on 21/11/2018
01:56:42 AM:
> Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty stream
> of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
> longstanding) so the file D.java could be regarded as a compilation unit
> with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type
> declarations.
> Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
> must be associated with an unnamed module.
> I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no package
> declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
> package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
> enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
> declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed unobservable by
> 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would
> disappear.

That would be perfect and make things unambiguous. But for now, the
paragraph above is good enough for me.

Unfortunately, import declarations can have side effects (compile-time errors) so to be sure that the "no package or type decl === unobservable" rule is suitable for a file containing just an import decl, we would have to do a case analysis of how javac and ecj handle the eight combinations of the three parts allowed in an ordinary compilation unit. That's overkill for the situation involving empty files that keeps coming up and that I really want to clarify. I don't think anyone loves that an ordinary compilation unit matches the empty stream, so let's define away that scenario. As Jon said, an empty file doesn't present anything to be checked; there is no compilation unit there, so let's be unambiguous about that.

We can rule out the empty stream in 7.3 with grammar or with semantics. Usually a semantic description is clearest (gives everyone the proper terminology and concepts) but in this case we don't want the description to wrestle with "consists of one, two, or three parts" when the grammar allows zero. So, a new grammatical description is appropriate, and straightforward:

PackageDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
ImportDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
TypeDeclaration {TypeDeclaration}

The "three parts, each of which is optional" description is still accurate. The package decl part is optional (as long as you have the import decls part and/or the type decls part); the import decls part is optional (as long as you have either the package decl part or ...) ... you get the picture.

I would leave 7.4.2 alone; an ordinary compilation unit with no package or type decls but with import decls is part of the unnamed package (and thus unnamed module) as before, and compilers can handle that, I think.

Any comments?


That seems good to me.

To summarize the javac behavior ...

* javac accepts/ignores an empty file
* javac treats import-only compilation units as in the unnamed package, which is not allowed in a named module
* javac enforces file naming constraints when declaring a public class
* javac uses file naming constraints when looking on the (module) source path for a file for a class

Attached is a toy class to generate combinations of package, import and type declarations. You can use the source-launcher feature to run it.

-- Jon
Alex Buckley
2018-12-03 23:50:55 UTC
Thanks to Jon and Jay's testing, we can make the following statement:

Compilers ignore a source file that is physically empty (zero length) or
logically empty (contains only whitespace and/or comments).

(I confirmed this by tweaking Test.java so that the empty case was not
`""` but rather `" /* Comment */ "`. javac still accepted/ignored it.)

In other words, compilers do not observe an ordinary compilation unit if
it has no package, import, or type declarations -- a.k.a. a "vacant"
ordinary compilation unit.

We know this to be true because if compilers did observe a vacant
ordinary compilation unit, then the lack of a package declaration would
cause an error when the empty source file is in a modular location; but
no such error is given.

Compilers are free to take this not-observable stance, per 7.3: "The
host system determines which compilation units are observable". It would
be possible to mandate that the host system MUST NOT observe a vacant
ordinary compilation unit, but such a mandate would probably have
unintended consequences. It would also be possible to define a vacant
ordinary compilation unit out of existence, by tweaking 7.3's grammar as
proposed in the quoted mail below, but again, beware unintended
consequences. What the JLS should do is affirm the compilers' decision
to "accept/ignore" a vacant ordinary compilation unit, by clarifying
that a vacant ordinary compilation unit is exempt from the "part of an
unnamed package" rule in 7.4.2. I have filed spec bug JDK-8214743; "An
ordinary compilation unit that has no package declaration, but has at
least one other kind of declaration, is part of an unnamed package."


P.S. In the course of examining 7.3's grammar, I realized that
OrdinaryCompilationUnit is not congruent with how 2.1 defines a
production in a context-free grammar as having "a sequence of one or
more nonterminal and terminal symbols as its right-hand side."

2.1's definition is intended to apply _after_ interpretation of 2.4's
grammar notation. For example, the production `A: [B]` is really two
productions, `A: ` and `A: B`. The first has zero symbols as its RHS, so
the grammar is not context-free -- parsing of an A is possible at any
time, based on considerations other than the terminals in hand.
Similarly, the production `C: {D}` is really an infinite number of
productions `C: ` and `C: D` and `C: D D` and `C: D D D` etc.
OrdinaryCompilationUnit is significant for being the only production in
the JLS to allow zero symbols and thus _not_ be context-free. Compilers
provide the context when they lex an empty source file and decide not to
observe an ordinary compilation unit therein.

There's nothing good to be done here. We aren't going to change the
longstanding OrdinaryCompilationUnit production after all, and I don't
want to complicate 2.1 by special-casing its zero-symbols RHS.

On 12/3/2018 8:29 AM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
> Thanks for the test file Jon. Last week I and Stephan had a discussion
> and agreed with the specified behavior and made some changes to our
> compiler.
> I can also confirm that both the compilers behave the same way for all
> the scenarios included in the test file.
> Regards,
> Jay
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Jonathan Gibbons <***@oracle.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, November 26, 2018 11:22 PM
> *To:* Alex Buckley; Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran;
> jigsaw-***@openjdk.java.net; compiler-dev
> *Subject:* Re: Where do empty compilation units belong?
> On 11/26/2018 01:44 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>> // Adding compiler-dev since the parsing of files into compilation
>> units is not a Jigsaw issue.
>> On 11/20/2018 9:14 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
>>> "jigsaw-dev" <jigsaw-dev-***@openjdk.java.net>
>>> <mailto:jigsaw-dev-***@openjdk.java.net> wrote on 21/11/2018
>>> 01:56:42 AM:
>>> > Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty
>>> stream
>>> > of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
>>> > longstanding) so the file D.java could be regarded as a
>>> compilation unit
>>> > with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type
>>> > declarations.
>>> >
>>> > Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
>>> > must be associated with an unnamed module.
>>> >
>>> > I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no
>>> package
>>> > declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
>>> > package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
>>> > enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
>>> > declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed
>>> unobservable by
>>> > 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would
>>> > disappear.
>>> That would be perfect and make things unambiguous. But for now, the
>>> paragraph above is good enough for me.
>> Unfortunately, import declarations can have side effects (compile-time
>> errors) so to be sure that the "no package or type decl ===
>> unobservable" rule is suitable for a file containing just an import
>> decl, we would have to do a case analysis of how javac and ecj handle
>> the eight combinations of the three parts allowed in an ordinary
>> compilation unit. That's overkill for the situation involving empty
>> files that keeps coming up and that I really want to clarify. I don't
>> think anyone loves that an ordinary compilation unit matches the empty
>> stream, so let's define away that scenario. As Jon said, an empty file
>> doesn't present anything to be checked; there is no compilation unit
>> there, so let's be unambiguous about that.
>> We can rule out the empty stream in 7.3 with grammar or with
>> semantics. Usually a semantic description is clearest (gives everyone
>> the proper terminology and concepts) but in this case we don't want
>> the description to wrestle with "consists of one, two, or three parts"
>> when the grammar allows zero. So, a new grammatical description is
>> appropriate, and straightforward:
>> OrdinaryCompilationUnit:
>> PackageDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
>> ImportDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
>> TypeDeclaration {TypeDeclaration}
>> The "three parts, each of which is optional" description is still
>> accurate. The package decl part is optional (as long as you have the
>> import decls part and/or the type decls part); the import decls part
>> is optional (as long as you have either the package decl part or ...)
>> ... you get the picture.
>> I would leave 7.4.2 alone; an ordinary compilation unit with no
>> package or type decls but with import decls is part of the unnamed
>> package (and thus unnamed module) as before, and compilers can handle
>> that, I think.
>> Any comments?
>> Alex
> That seems good to me.
> To summarize the javac behavior ...
> * javac accepts/ignores an empty file
> * javac treats import-only compilation units as in the unnamed
> package, which is not allowed in a named module
> * javac enforces file naming constraints when declaring a public class
> * javac uses file naming constraints when looking on the (module)
> source path for a file for a class
> Attached is a toy class to generate combinations of package, import and
> type declarations. You can use the source-launcher feature to run it.
> -- Jon
Continue reading on narkive: